WHO Guidelines on Mental Health at Work

Working people, like all people, deserve an inherent right to the highest attainable standard of mental health at work, regardless of their type of employment. And people living with mental health conditions have a right to access, participate and thrive in work. Governments and employers have a responsibility to uphold that right by providing work that simultaneously prevents workers from experiencing excessive stress and mental health risks; protects and promotes workers’ mental health and well- being; and supports people to fully and effectively participate in the workforce, free from stigma, discrimination or abuse.
Yet the world of work is changing. Across the globe, technology, globalization, demographic shifts, emergencies and climate change are reshaping how and where we work. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted labour markets and accelerated the pace of change – especially in remote work, e-commerce and automation. Some jobs are being lost; some are being created; almost all are changing. For many, these changes are creating new pressures or exacerbating existing stresses around work that have the potential to undermine workers’ mental health.
Addressing mental health at work effectively will help prepare for the future of work and a changing world.