CAD: Office Guide to Building Health

Through this manual, we offer an approachable starting point to understanding what, when, and who can help create a health-promoting workplace, at a range of scales and costs. It is specifically directed toward tenants in commercial properties, and informs the company leadership, office manager, and/or consultant design team on how to improve health within the office environment. While we recognize that all building projects and needs vary, the guidance within this manual is designed to be widely applicable. The strategies presented within each section draw directly from global evidence and validated workplace best practices, so you can be assured that the approaches outlined represent the latest in research and trends to support high-quality, healthy work environments. Finally, within each section, you will find strategies and implementation considerations, each with accompanying guidance and illustrative examples. We recognize that not everything will be in your control, and you may not take up every idea or address every priority— and that’s okay. This guide is here to help set you on the right course, and from there, you’ll keep improving.