International Plantscape Awards Gala @TPIE
January 18, 2024
The International Plantscape Awards recognizes outstanding achievements in interior plantscape design, installation, creativity, renovation, and innovation. These awards celebrate the strides of interior plantscapers to connect people with plants in remarkable ways. Entries are judged on their own merit rather than against each other. Award winners earn a designation of gold or platinum based on points scored from information and photos provided. Certain submissions may be awarded the coveted Diamond and Emerald judges’ awards for the best overall entries.
The awards program is open to all individuals or firms actively involved in interior plantscaping. Award submissions are judged by a panel of distinguished plantscapers who serve in the Interior Plantscape Community. Award recipients find that the honor becomes a selling point with current and future customers and therefore is a business asset as well as accolade. Applying for and receiving an award not only helps your business look good, but it gives us all a reason to celebrate together the things we do with excellence. Get awarded for doing the amazing job that you do!
The contest provides a platform for interior landscaping professionals to share their work on a global stage.