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Thursday, January 18 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Room 302A

GPGB is bringing an AMAZING opportunity to join the Registered Trainer Program. For the first time in history, we are offering our Registered Trainer Seminar and CEU, “How to Specify Living Green Walls” FREE of charge. This in-person event will take place at The Tropical Plant International Expo.

Take advantage of this FREE Registered Trainer seminar and FREE Continued Education Course, “How To Specify Living Walls”.

Registered Trainer Seminar Info:

Our seminars will give you the necessary credentials, training and authority to get in front of architects, landscape architects, designers, building owners and managers, and LEED APs to educate them about the many health and productivity benefits of plants in our built environments.

Registration includes:

The authority to give CEU credit to designers, architects and building professionals.
-A Trainer’s Guide
-PowerPoints with compelling photographs and Speakers’ Notes
-White Papers
-All the forms for your CEU presentations
-Public speaking tips
-Ongoing, year-long support

CEU: How to Specify Living Green Walls
Length: 60 minutes
Credits: 1.0 learning unit
Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW) Credit? Yes

Program Overview:

Attendees will leave with the knowledge of how living green walls bring the research-based benefits of biophilic design and its positive effect on human well-being and productivity into the built environment, and the critical design considerations when specifying a high-performing and sustainable living green wall.

Register Here

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