Benefits of Plants [Infographic]
Want to know what top experts are saying is in store for interior design this year? This infographic, a joint collaboration between NewPro Containers and Green Plants for Green Buildings, not only explores a list of researched style and color predictions ...
April 2021: Amplifying Nature’s Voice
Greetings like-minded nature advocates, Our Projects As Earth Day is celebrated around the globe, I am grateful for the combined gifts of indigenous people’s wisdom and the technology that allows them to share that wisdom with me. As I read this passage from Braiding
March 2021: Amplifying Nature’s Voice
Greetings like-minded nature advocates, Our Projects This month we’ve been working on the seminar & workshop we are presenting at Cultivate’21, hosted by AmericanHort. Establishing Relationships with Building Specifiers will focus on developing new business relationships as biophilic design continues to trend upwards and
March 2021: Sharing Biophilia on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
Greetings! This month, we have added a new white paper from GPGB board member Jim Mumford and his colleagues in the Silverado Roundtable. “The Nature of the Post-Pandemic Workplace" summarizes key findings from recent surveys and research, and contains new infographics. You can find
February 2021: Amplifying Nature’s Voice
Greetings like-minded nature advocates, Our Projects Our Supporters fund everything we do. This month, thanks to our Supporters, GPGB expanded the community of decision-makers we are influencing beyond building specifiers to include human resource professionals. We’re thrilled to share the news that
February 2021: Sharing Biophilia on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
Greetings! This month, help us understand your barriers to specifying biophilic design! If you are an architect, designer, or building/company owner, take this 4-minute survey and be entered in the drawing to win MossWallArt™ piece from Plant Solutions. Click here to take the survey! We're sharing
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