O&M Meets ESG: Optimizing Your Buildings For Impact

O&M Meets ESG: Optimizing Your Buildings For ImpactFeatured Image

In 2023, a thoughtful approach to ESG (environmental, social, governance), the de facto framework for evaluating high-impact, values-driven companies, is essential to corporate success.1

More than a quarter of global investors say that ESG is central to their investment thesis2: ESG-focused institutional investment is expected to reach $33.9 trillion by 2026.3 And demand isn’t only clustered on the investment side: 83% of consumers think companies should be actively shaping ESG best practices, and 86% of employees prefer to support or work for companies that reflect their values related to sustainability, health, and more.4Building operations, due to their resource intensity and connection to human health, have long represented an avenue for realizing all three of the components of ESG. And with the growing spotlight on ESG, a focus on high-performing operations and maintenance is more important—and more valuable—than ever.