Your Investment at Work

This is a season when communities come together around the table, at a harvest celebration, at a Veteran’s Day parade, in a pumpkin patch, or trick-or-treating up and down the block.

These shared experiences enrich our lives and make our communities stronger.

Our community of supporters is widely dispersed geographically making a parade celebration unlikely. But they’re strongly connected to one another by their vision that our professional community should include architects, designers, building owners, and all others who can help #BringNatureIndoors.

And they’ve entrusted this vision and work to us at Green Plants for Green Buildings.

To help them celebrate their community investment across the geography that separates them we shared a statistic: this year-to-date GPGB Registered Trainers have given our presentation to 1206 building professionals. That’s a 17% increase in the eyes and ears of plant specifiers over all of 2018. Their investment is working.

For those of you not familiar with the materials we are creating for these presentations, shoot me an email ( and I’ll send you a pdf of a presentation so that you can see the work product and share in the celebration.

If you think this educational work is important and the spirit moves you, please join our efforts and become a supporter.

With gratitude,

Mary Golden

Advocacy Incubator