Credits: Planter Trends Monthly Newsletter, Published June 8, 2024 by Jean-Pierre Sijmons, Architectural Supplements

Green Plants for Green Buildings (GPGB) recently significantly impacted the AIA Conference held in Washington, D.C. As a gold sponsor, GPGB showcased its commitment to promoting biophilic design and the integration of natural elements into built environments. GPGB’s presence at the conference highlighted its mission and demonstrated the growing importance of sustainable practices in architecture and urban planning.

Creating a Green Oasis

GPGB transformed a section of the conference into a verdant oasis, drawing attendees into a serene and inspiring space. This installation served as a living example of the benefits of incorporating green plants into building designs. The lush greenery provided a refreshing contrast to the convention hall’s typical setup, emphasizing how nature can enhance indoor environments.

Engaging Speaker Lineup

The GPGB booth hosted a series of talks by renowned experts in the field of biophilic design. Bill Browning, Dr. Tuwanda Green, AIA, AIA and Janice Goodman delivered compelling presentations on topics such as the psychological and physiological benefits of biophilia and the science behind plants and brain function. Their insights captivated the audience, sparking meaningful discussions and a deeper interest in integrating natural elements into architectural design.

From left to right: Bill Browning, Janice Goodman, and Dr. Tuwanda Green

The Importance of GPGB’s Mission

The mission of Green Plants for Green Buildings is to advocate for the inclusion of natural elements in built environments to promote health, well-being, and sustainability. This mission is increasingly relevant as urban areas expand and the need for sustainable development becomes more pressing. Here are a few key reasons why their work is vital:

1. Health Benefits: Numerous studies have shown that exposure to green plants can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. By integrating plants into buildings, GPGB aims to create healthier indoor environments that support mental and physical well-being.

2. Environmental Impact: Green plants can improve air quality, reduce energy consumption, and mitigate urban heat islands. By advocating for green buildings, GPGB is contributing to environmental sustainability and resilience.

3. Economic Advantages: Buildings with integrated natural elements often see increased property values and higher occupancy rates. Additionally, improved employee well-being can lead to increased productivity and reduced absenteeism, offering economic benefits to businesses.

4. Aesthetic and Biophilic Design: Beyond the functional benefits, incorporating plants and natural elements enhances the aesthetic appeal of buildings. Biophilic design principles create spaces that connect occupants with nature, fostering a sense of tranquility and inspiration.

Volunteer Efforts

The dedication of many volunteers from the Plantscaping industry made GPGB’s presence at the AIA Conference successful. Their hands-on involvement underscored the organization’s commitment to its mission and demonstrated leadership by example.

Looking Ahead

The positive reception of GPGB’s initiatives at the AIA Conference is a promising sign for the future of biophilic design and sustainable building practices. As awareness of the benefits of green buildings continues to grow, GPGB’s work will likely inspire more architects, designers, and developers to incorporate natural elements into their projects.

For more information about Green Plants for Green Buildings and their ongoing efforts to promote sustainable design, visit their website at

By championing the integration of nature into our built environments, Green Plants for Green Buildings is paving the way for a healthier, more sustainable future. Their efforts at the AIA Conference have set a high standard for what can be achieved when we prioritize the natural world in our architectural endeavors.