And the award goes to… A highlight of the recent GPGB Cocktail Party Fundraiser held during Plantscape Expo August 14 was recognizing some star quality Registered Trainers for the most presentations given during the year. Mike Lewis, GPGB President, presented a plaque to three of its most productive GPGB Registered Trainers, celebrating their contribution to spreading the message of the benefits of indoor plants to the people responsible for building design and performance: Kathryn O’Donnell, Botanicus, New York; Joe Zazzera, Plant Solutions, Arizona; and, Jim Mumford Good Earth Plants & GreenScaped Buildings, California. Who are Registered Trainers? These Bronze-level plus GPGB Supporters have taken special training at one of GPGB’s Train the Trainer Seminars. As Zazzera explains, “GPGB’s Registered Trainer program has given me the tool I need…