Hello like-minded Nature Advocates,
This month our supporters are celebrating our invitation to present at the Biophilic Design Symposium convened by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities.
Most frequently, when I’m speaking to groups of interiorscapers, I’m sharing information with them about the tools they have in their biophilic designer’s toolbox; nature in the space, natural analogs, and nature of the space.
Next week, I’m speaking to an audience of designers, architects, and other building professionals and my toolbox message is similar: they have a tool in their biophilic designer’s toolbox they may be underutilizing – the interiorscaper.
We’ve also posted to GPGB.org the research on how higher humidity in the built environment (between 40%-60%) appears to help lower the transmission of the coronavirus (virus particles become heavier and drop from the air) and some interiorscapers are using this information to support the case they make for investing in bringing nature indoors. Check it out and see if it is a good fit for your client conversations too.
Other great learning opportunities are the International Well Building Institute’s webinars. The Places Matter series has uber-relevant topics ranging from stress and immunity to microbial interactions, to fostering resilience. The information in these free webinars can also help you make the case for biophilic design.
And our supporters helped us share this video of a San Diego health care worker’s joyful reaction to receiving her first plant during a #StayPlanted thank you event. Her joy is contagious and draws her co-workers to her. Talk about a “full-body yes” for biophilia!
Their thoughtful support, especially amid the COVID-19 impacts on their businesses, is humbling. It allows us to participate in these opportunities and continue our work creating and sharing messages about the value of indoor nature. We are very grateful!
#StayPlanted and Be well,
Mary Golden
Advocacy Incubator