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GPGB Free Registered Trainer Seminar @TPIE2025

Thursday, January 23 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in Room 303A

EDUCATE, ADVOCATE, AND EMPOWER: No prior teaching or speaking experience is required – only a passion for plants!

GPGB is bringing an AMAZING opportunity to join the Registered Trainer Program. We are offering our Registered Trainer Seminar at no charge to share how the program works, best practices, and why you NEED to be a Registered Trainer to GROW YOUR BUSINESS!

This in-person event will take place at The Tropical Plant International Expo.

Registered Trainer Seminar Info:

GPGB Registered Trainers have the authority to give CEU credit to designers, architects and building professionals. Registration of courses include:
-A Trainer’s Guide
-PowerPoints with compelling photographs and Speakers’ Notes
-White Papers
-All the forms for your CEU presentations
-Public speaking tips
-Ongoing, year-long support

Our self-study programs will give you the necessary credentials, training, and authority to get in front of architects, landscape architects, designers, building owners and managers, and LEED APs to educate them about the many health and productivity benefits of plants in our built environments.

Free: All attendees will receive the How To Specify Living Walls presentation! Become a GPGB Registered Trainer to present this course for CEU credits from AIA, IDCEC, GBCI, ASLA/LA CES, BOMI, ASID, IDC, IIDA.


  • Moss Walls: A Biophilic Design Solution
  • Authentically Green Interiors
  • Economics of Biophilic Design
  • Advanced Living Walls w/Case Studies
  • Living Walls: An Introduction
  • Green Roofs
  • Biophilic Design in Fitwel, the WELL Building Standard, & the Living Building Challenge
  • How to Specify Living Walls
  • Nature’s Blueprint: Unleashing the Power of Biophilic Design

Register Here

Your organization must be a GPGB Supporter for you to become a Registered Trainer. An annual fee of $250 per Registered Trainer is required to present GPGB programs for continued education credits. This fee is used to develop additional presentation material on existing and additional topics. Our self-study courses may be purchased for $225 each or $495 for the entire bundle!

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