For new or current Registered Trainers to complete the training for additional RT Courses is as follows:
- RT Admin will email you the Comprehension Evaluation for the course(s).
- Review the Course Material and complete the Comprehension Evaluation form(s).
- Submit the completed Evaluation(s) to for review. After review as been accepted, an acknowledgement of completion will be emailed along with the required trainer signature forms.
- Email the completed signature forms to
- In confirmation of your new registered trainer status, you will be emailed the link to the digital materials.
Note: If you are a new Registered Trainer you will be provided with the Registered Trainer Guide and Comprehension Evaluation form to become familiar with the Administrative and Reporting requirements for presenting these courses.
Moss Walls: A Biophilic Design Solution
This session will present the knowledge of how biophilic design affects human well-being and productivity. The three categories of biophilic design are identified and moss walls are discussed in detail as an affordable way of incorporating biophilic design into interior environments.
Authentically Green Interiors
A study of interior landscape’s impact on human-centered design: This session will present the most relevant and compelling findings on the environmental impact of plants on people’s physical, psychological and behavioral needs within the built environment.
The Economics of Biophilic Design
This program examines the economic argument in favor of biophilic design using case studies from five sectors; workplaces, healthcare, education, retail, and built communities. Research from neuroscience and endocrinology show the crucial role that experiencing nature has for our physiological wellbeing.
Biophilic Design in Fitwel, the WELL Building Standard, and the Living Building Challenge
Participants will gain knowledge regarding the differences present in various living wall (also knows as greenwall) systems and how those systems are appropriate for differing needs. Instruction will be given on best practices and use.
How To Specify Living Green Walls
Attendees will leave with the knowledge of how living green walls bring the research-based benefits of biophilic design and its positive effect on human well-being and productivity into the built environment, and the critical design considerations when specifying a high-performing and sustainable living green wall.